Computer Game: Star Trek Elite Force, Raven Software, Activision, Rated T-teen--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is getting closer to what I want--to be able to walk through the rooms and halls of the Enterprise. Well, it's the Voyager, but they do let you go around some of the time. I heard the add on levels have this capability, so I'll have to look for that one. Otherwise, this is a FPS that is pretty good. There are extensive cut scenes that make it seem like a show. The story is regular Star Trek, except it involves killing every single alien rather than trying to make peace. Controls were good and able to be adapted to my usual configurations. There is a push/open control, which also is used for talking. That's good, but it had nothing to do with the majority of the action. Someday, we'll have a sim-life FPS, without the S. My main irritant was the AI. Not the enemy AI, which was above what I'm used to, but the AI of your team members. They constantly get in your way. Several times they pushed me off the cliff when I was trying to go ahead. They walk in front of you while you're shooting. I tried the talk button when I wanted them to move, but it made no difference. This is worthwhile to play, but not that useful to replay. The path is one way with no deviations. You don't get lost or go back to explore.