Thursday, April 02, 2020

Television: Star Trek Picard

I'm in a dark place; no, actually I'm not anymore, because I clicked off the screen.  I'm not interested in the new TV series Star Trek Picard.  Not at all. 

It's picky, I know, but if I have to watch on a computer screen, this show is too dark.  I even turned out the lights in the room to try and see what the shadowy figures were doing. 

It turns out they are doing nothing.  But they talk a lot. 

Bad Writing is telling me, but not showing me.  This show has a lot, a lot, a lot of talking about things that could have been shown. 

And the written dialog is not well done.  or convincing.  or interesting. 

Here's what happened this evening:

1.  Intending to binge watch this Star Trek during my quarantine, I joined CBS All Access. 

2.  Fell asleep during episode 2.

3.  During episode 3, I started watching YouTube videos about what's wrong with Picard.

4.  Canceled my subscription to CBS All Access.