My hero! I want to be Sun-hwa. When I was little, The Shadow was my goal. This guy is even better, although I wouldn't like getting clubbed so many times.
In the Korean movie, 3-Iron, the protagonist is silent, but not boring. You should watch the film without preconceptions, so I won't give spoilers. But you SHOULD watch it. The locations looked exactly like Seoul.
The English title and the box photo made me think it was about a love affair involving 3 people. I don't believe that's the case. The Korean title is Empty Houses. That gives you a better clue, but just experience it. It's not like anything else.
At the end, I just have a pleasant dreamy feeling. Very nice.
PS It's rated R but that's exagerated. there is some slight bath and dressing nudity and the violence is not graphic or horrifying.